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StrawBuried in Chocolate (Black Cat Cafe Cozy Mystery Series Book 2) Page 5

  “Dates? With an s? Who are you with, if you don’t mind me asking?” Annie asked.

  “Well, don’t tell them this, but I can’t tell those Crowley twins one from the other. When Bob Crowley asked me last week to accompany him to the dance, and then when his twin brother, Harry came into my shop and asked about the dance, I thought it was Bob and he must be a little senile and had forgotten he already asked me. I didn’t know I had two dates until they both showed up at my door at seven thirty. I don’t know who was more surprised, me or those two brothers.” Martha slapped her thigh, thoroughly enjoying the story and the attention. “They’ve been at each other all night.”

  Leona welcomed Bob and Harry to the table with an arm around each one, introducing them to Jake and Danny. “Why so glum boys?”

  “My brother, Bob, says he asked Martha first so he should get the next dance, but he’s already had one more dance than I’ve had.” Annie decided it must be Harry giving that explanation.

  “You’re in luck then, Harry, because I’m in need of a dance partner, so how does that sound to you?”

  Harry’s eyes got wide and then his grin spread across his face. He actually stuck his tongue out at Bob as he put his hand low on Leona’s back and guided her to the dance floor. Annie watched long enough to see Bob pat Leona’s bottom before she swatted his hand away.

  Bob watched in disbelief until Martha smacked him. “Come on. I guess you’re stuck with me for this one. And don’t get any ideas about where your hands belong. I saw what your brother did to Leona.”

  Jason drained his wine glass and leaned close to Annie’s ear, barely containing his laughter. “I know I’m not as fine a catch as Bob or Harry Crowley, but would you care to dance with me anyway?” He patted her bottom but she didn’t swat his hand away.

  “I thought you’d never ask.” Annie put her glass on the table and let Jason guide her toward the dance floor.

  Before they got more than a few steps from the table, someone tapped Jason on the shoulder. “Are you Jason Hunter?”

  Jason nodded with a puzzled expression on his face.

  “I’m Tess Harrington. Can I talk to you for a minute?”

  Chapter 8

  Annie immediately pulled Tess back to the table. “Are you all right?”

  Tess reached for a glass of wine as the server walked by. She held it up to Jason, offering a toast. “To you Mr. Hunter. For saving my life.” Tess drained the glass.

  “What were you doing out on the ice?” he asked.

  She hung her head and bit her lip. “I was going to my Aunt Lacy’s house and I didn’t want anyone to see me.”

  Before Annie could ask any more questions, Lacy’s brother, Brad Miller and his wife, Sherry, walked off the dance floor. Brad stopped short when he spotted Tess, staring daggers in her direction. “What are you doing here? I heard that you fell through the ice and I was hoping that would finish you off, you fortune seeking brat.”

  “Well, isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black,” Tess shouted back at him. “I only asked Aunt Lacy for what was rightfully mine. That beautiful silver bracelet with the sapphires was promised to me when I turned twenty one. What did you do, pawn it already?”

  With a break in the music between songs, the argument carried through the whole room. Tess guzzled another glass of wine. Sherry glared at Tess. Brad’s face took on a brilliant shade of red.

  Tess carefully placed her empty glass on the table, ignoring Brad and Sherry as if nothing had just transpired between them. She brought her attention back to Jason. “Thank you again, Mr. Hunter. I’m glad to know there’s someone in this hick town that is a gentleman.” She walked from the room, a little wobbly, but with her head held high.

  Annie blinked at Jason. “Well that adds another level to Lacy’s death. Tess must be Brad’s niece too. They’re both at each other’s throats fighting over Lacy’s money?” She leaned closer to Jason’s ear. “And why was she going to Lacy’s house? She didn’t want anyone to see her?” She shook her head. “Sounds weirdly suspicious to me.”

  Leona rushed over. “What was that all about?”

  Mia joined them at the table, explaining that Roy was outside with some of his more unsociable buddies. “Did I miss anything?”

  Annie filled them in on the conversation Tess had with Jason and Tess’s argument with Brad. “So, yeah, I’d say you both missed something. We’ve got to find out where those two were when Lacy was killed.”

  Another good song started up and Leona grabbed Danny’s arm. “Come on. I’m not taking no anymore, Danny Davis, otherwise I’ll be stuck dancing with Harry again.” Leona whispered in Mia’s ear, “Harry with the roving hands. Gross.” She nodded toward Jake. “You should dance with Jake, he’s good.”

  Annie leaned against Jason. “Having fun?”

  “A huh.”

  “Look at Martha over there with both the Crowley twins. I think she bit off more than she can handle with those old fishermen.”

  “You’re jealous, Annie Fisher. One admirer isn’t enough,” Jason teased.

  Annie nudged Jason. “Take a look at Brad and Sherry. They look all lovey dovey at the moment. I wish I could hear what they’re talking about.”

  “Didn’t you tell me they were having marital problems?”

  “It’s hard to keep track of the situation with those two. It’s an extremely on again, off again marriage from what I’ve observed. Whenever Sherry gets mad at Brad, he stays at Lacy’s house. I think he was there when she was murdered which would have put him within a hop skip and jump to your place.”

  “You think he might be the murderer?”

  Annie shrugged. “Maybe. The only problem is, he always seemed to be devoted to his sister.”

  “Looks can be deceiving, especially if there’s something to be gained. Lacy was an exceedingly wealthy woman and all that money is going to someone. Did she have any kids?”

  “Not that I know of. Just that niece Tess, who seemed to pop up out of thin air, or out of freezing water.”

  Jason pulled Annie to the dance floor. “Enough of this talk. I want to see what that red dress can do.”

  As they moved toward the dance area, Annie tilted her head to her left. “Look who came.”

  Tyler and JC stood at one of the tables with their heads bent close, laughing together.

  “Did you say something to JC? Work your magic on her?”

  Annie gave a tiny shrug. “Nothing much, but I did send a text. Maybe that let her know I’m not interested in Tyler except as a good friend.”

  Jason’s arm hugged Annie tighter. “Good to know.”

  The dance energy was at its peak. Everyone dancing, drinking, and most importantly, behaving. At least until Brad saw Leona putting on a show in the center of the dance floor with Jake who, to Annie’s surprise, was an exceptional dancer and the two of them together looked like a couple of professionals.

  “Did she dump Danny?” Annie asked Jason.

  He scanned the room. “Maybe a swap. Danny’s over there dancing with your mother now.”

  Brad stomped over to Leona before anyone picked up on his angry face and seized her arm. “How dare you? Dancing and enjoying yourself after you killed my sister?”

  Sherry tried to pull Brad away. “Not here Brad. Don’t make a scene.”

  He flung Sherry’s hand off his arm like it was an annoying mosquito.

  Brad stuck his finger in Leona’s chest, jabbing with every word. “You’ll pay for this. One way or another.” He spit on the floor at her feet, barely missing her silver high heels.

  Leona laughed in Brad’s face. “Who are you, judge and jury? I didn’t touch one hair on your sister’s bleached head. You had the most motive of anyone in this room. You can’t wait to get your greedy fingers on her money.” Leona turned her back on Brad’s scarlet face, taking Jake’s hand and elegantly moving through the dancers as they all moved out of her way.

  Tyler moved in front of Brad before he could eve
n think of following Leona. “Cool down, Brad. I know you’re upset, but this isn’t the way to solve anything.”

  Brad turned on Tyler, screaming, “You aren’t doing anything to find Lacy’s murderer. Leona should be behind bars and you just let her go free to have the time of her life.”

  Tyler kept Brad moving toward the exit while he talked to Sherry on his other side. “Can you get him home? Maybe you should call his doctor and get him something to help him relax. If he threatens Leona, or anyone else for that matter, I’ll be forced to arrest him.”

  Sherry’s jaw worked furiously, chewing gum, of all things, Annie noticed. But she kept quiet and nodded to Tyler, understanding the implications.

  At least Sherry acted appropriately and managed to rid the dance of Brad’s poisonous accusations. The killer had to be found before someone else ended up dead like Lacy. And Annie was getting more and more worried about Leona. Would Brad take matters into his own hands? Or was he merely trying to deflect attention away from himself? She did agree with Brad about one thing, the murderer had to be found.

  Jason whispered, “What’s going on in that pretty head of yours? I can just about see the wheels turning. You have your ‘I mean business look’ etched in your features.”

  “Where’s Leona? I need to talk to her. Right now.” Annie scanned the room for Leona’s red head but came up with a blank. “Do you see her?”

  They walked around to get a better view in case she was sitting or hidden in a group of people.


  Danny sipped a drink by himself at a table on the edge of the room.

  “Hey Danny. Where’s Leona? She came with you, didn’t she?” Annie asked, trying to keep the panic out of her voice.

  “Well, I was planning to pick her up but she called at the last minute and she said she’d meet me here. I’m not sure where she is now. Maybe in the ladies’ room?”

  Annie left Jason to keep Danny company and she headed to check the bathroom. No Leona. She poked her head out the door to see if Leona’s car was in the parking lot. Her bright yellow mustang was impossible to miss so she had to be inside somewhere.

  Annie felt panic starting to rise in her throat as she circled the room again.

  Mia waved Annie over to her table. “What’s wrong?”

  “Have you seen Leona? She disappeared after the argument with Brad. I checked the bathroom and her car is still outside.”

  Mia swiveled her head around. “That’s the last time I saw her, too.”

  Annie found Jason. “Leona is missing. We have to find her.”

  Jason held Annie’s coat for her. “What’s your plan?”

  “I don’t know. I can’t think straight now. She told me this morning that I would have to keep the café going for her until this all gets straightened out. I thought she was expecting to be arrested but now I wonder if she was working on a different plan to avoid going to jail.” Her voice softened. “Or something happened to her.” She looked at Jason with eyes ready to spill tears. “I don’t have any idea where she might be.”

  “Let’s go back to my house and go over everything. Something might make more sense once we’re away from this.” He waved his hand around the room filled with happy people.

  Jake walked by, bumping into Annie’s shoulder. “Sorry. I wasn’t paying attention.”

  “Have you seen Leona?” Annie asked, searching Jake’s face hopefully.

  “Ah, not recently. Not since she bit that Brad guy’s head off. But, you know, I wasn’t really paying attention. Why?” His eyes darted around the room.

  “She seems to have disappeared into thin air.”

  “Maybe she went home already?” Jake offered.

  “Leona is always the last to leave. She prides herself on being the life of the party. And, minor detail, her car is still here. I’m worried about her.”

  Jake dismissed Annie’s comments. “She’s a big girl and can take care of herself. She’ll show up at the café. She never misses getting the coffee going bright and early.” Jake smiled.

  “Yeah, you’re probably right.” Annie and Jason walked into the cold night to his car.

  With the heater blasting, Annie relaxed a little and gazed out the window into darkness. “If she ran away, it only makes her look guiltier. What do you think Jason? You’ve known Leona for a long time.”

  Jason’s fingers tapped on the steering wheel. “I’ve never been able to understand Leona. At least not the part she keeps hidden. She’s spontaneous, hot tempered, a bit misguided, but a good person deep down. I don’t believe she is capable of murder. And one thing I would bet my life on; she doesn’t lie and she does keep her promises.”

  “What about Jake?”

  “The pottery guy? What about him?” Jason took a quick peek at Annie before bringing his eyes back to the narrow road.

  “I thought he seemed a little nervous when I asked him about Leona. Or maybe distracted.”

  “He probably went outside to smoke a joint. Remember how he got busted last year for helping with the drug distribution for that art dealer in New York?”

  “How could I ever forget? That’s what got my ex-boyfriend, Max, killed. And me almost swimming with the fishies at the bottom of Heron Lake. No, it was something else. He didn’t look me in the eye. I think he was lying and knows something about Leona’s whereabouts. Those two have grown to be pretty chummy over the last few months.”

  “Jake had one thing right. Leona can take care of herself. She’s safe.”

  Annie twisted in her seat, staring at Jason with her mouth dropped open. “You know where she is, don’t you?”

  Jason hesitated. “I can’t lie to you and I can’t tell you where she is. It’s for your own good.”

  “Take me home, Jason. I think Roxy and Smokey are all the company I need tonight.”

  Chapter 9

  Annie slammed her door closed, furious with Jason. And Leona. And the whole town of Catfish Cove for turning her life into this nightmare. Well, she realized she was being a tiny bit dramatic by blaming the whole town, but Jason and Leona were definitely on her list of people she didn’t want to see for a while.

  Without turning on any lights in her apartment, she draped her coat over the back of the couch and stepped out of her dress. It certainly hadn’t turned her Valentine evening into any kind of magic night. Maybe she needed to stop thinking fairy tales could come true and just get on with the work of life.

  Throwing on some comfy sweatpants and a fleece pullover, she bundled up to take Roxy for a walk before climbing into bed. “At least I can count on you, right Roxy?”

  Roxy wagged the tip of her white tail and sniffed along the trail.

  The trail, Annie thought. The trail had to be a key to Lacy’s murder. That would have been the only escape route. Think, she told herself.

  There was one house between Jason’s and Lacy’s that was occupied in the winter. Annie smiled to herself. Mrs. Thelma Dodd was always home in the winter. Annie decided to stop by the next day with some chocolate covered strawberries and a friendly chat to find out if Thelma noticed anything the day Lacy was murdered.

  Roxy finished her business and Annie yawned. “I think I’ll be able to sleep now that I have a plan for tomorrow.” Lights were still on in Jason’s house and she could smell wood smoke coming from his chimney. He must have made a fire in the fireplace. The image of sitting in front of the fire with Jason was tempting but she gritted her teeth and went up the stairs to her own apartment.

  Smokey was waiting by the door for some cuddles, so Annie picked him up on her way into the bedroom with Roxy at her heels. The down comforter enveloped her like a cloud as she fell into a deep sleep with Roxy curled up by her feet and Smokey snuggling next to her pillow.

  Annie’s alarm rang much too early for her liking but she had to get to the café and take charge since it appeared that Leona might be missing in action for a while.

  A quick splash of cold water on her face helped to jolt her a
wake. Clean black jeans and a black turtleneck to ward off the cold and she was good to go. “Come on Roxy. I know my father doesn’t approve of animals in the Cove’s Corner building, but too bad. I need some company and you can hang out with Martha at The Fabric Stash if need be.”

  Jason’s house was still dark as Annie quietly left her apartment. She tried not to let herself scan his windows but she couldn’t help it. Her anger was starting to disappear. A little.

  Walking into the quiet Cove’s Corner building felt a little eerie. At least there was a row of night lights lining the hallway between the Black Cat Café and the two shops, Fabric Stash and Clay Design, on the other side. And having Roxy by her side gave her a sense of safety.

  First things first. A bed on the floor for Roxy near the freebrary with a view out the French doors of Heron Lake. Next, the coffee pot. As the aroma of fresh coffee filled the café, Annie’s taste buds came alive with anticipation. A bowl of her granola with a chocolate covered strawberry on the side and she was ready to face the day. Or, at least that’s what she pretended to believe.

  Mia arrived as Annie slid blueberry muffins and cinnamon rolls out of the oven. Finally, the café was transformed into a cozy, familiar space.

  “Where’s Leona?” Mia asked, looking around the café.

  “Your guess is as good as mine. No one seems to know where she disappeared to last night after her argument with Brad. Or if they know, they aren’t telling me.”

  “What are you talking about? Her car was still in the parking lot when I left.”

  “Yeah, that’s what makes it so interesting. Someone must have given her a ride.”

  Mia poured herself a cup of coffee and slid onto a stool at the counter. Roxy came over to say hello and Mia absentmindedly patted her head.

  “It doesn’t help to make her look innocent, does it?”

  Annie shook her head. “We have to figure this thing out. Soon. I’m going to visit Mrs. Thelma Dodd after work.”

  Mia nodded as she sipped her coffee, deep in thought. “Good idea. The murderer would have escaped along the Lake Trail.”